Course curriculum

  • 1

    1. Introduction

    • Introduction

    • Learning outcomes

    • Complete guide to investing SLIDES

  • 2

    2. Full-service broker (Manulife)

    • Introduction

    • Asset allocation and holdings (Balanced - age in fixed income)

    • Fees to December 31, 2021

    • How fees often work

    • Rates of return since 2017

    • Review of website

  • 3

    3. Discount broker (Questrade)

    • Introduction

    • Questrade Asset allocation and holdings

    • Questrade purchases and summary of holdings

    • S3E4 Rebalancing

    • Returns and fees to December 31, 2021

    • Rates of return since 2017

    • Review of website

  • 4

    4. Discount broker (CIBC Investor's Edge)

    • Introduction

    • Asset allocation (Auto-balanced)

    • The purchases and costs

    • Summary of holdings

    • Returns and fees to December 31, 2021

    • How to use the Excel STOCKHISTORY function

    • Rates of return since August 2018

    • Review of website

  • 5

    5. Robo advisor (Wealthsimple)

    • Introduction

    • Asset allocation and holdings

    • Summary of holdings

    • Returns and fees to December 31, 2021

    • Rates of return since 2017

    • Demo of robo-advisor (Wealthsimple)

  • 6

    6. Discount broker (Qtrade)

    • Introduction

    • Asset allocation (Ultra aggressive - 100% Bank ETF)

    • The purchase and costs

    • Summary of holdings

    • Fees and returns to December 31, 2021

    • Rates of return since 2017

    • Review of website and reports

  • 7

    7. Deposit broker (Fiscal Agents)

    • Introduction

    • Asset allocation (Ultra conservative -100% GICs)

    • How a GIC ladder works

    • Summary of holdings

    • Fees and returns since 2019

    • Review of website and reports

    • Demo GIC rate website

  • 8

    8. Discount broker (RBC Direct Investing)

    • Introduction

    • Asset allocation (Conservative - 100% bond ETF)

    • The purchases and costs

    • Summary of holdings

    • Rates of return since 2017

    • Review of website and reports

  • 9

    9. Discount broker (TD Direct Investing)

    • Introduction

    • Asset allocation (Ultra aggressive - 100% stocks)

    • The purchases and costs

    • Summary of holdings

    • Rates of return since 2017

    • Review of website and reports

  • 10

    10. Bank branch (TD mutual fund)

    • Introduction

    • Demo of advisor background check

    • Asset allocation (Aggressive - 100% TD Dividend Growth Fund

    • The purchase and costs

    • Summary of holdings

    • Rates of return since 2017

    • Review of website and reports

  • 11

    11. Robo advisor (Wealthsimple Crypto)

    • Introduction

    • Asset allocation (Ultra aggressive - 100% Bitcoin)

    • The purchase and costs

    • Rates of return since 2017

    • Review of website and reports

  • 12

    12. Results summary

    • Introduction

    • The contest

  • 13

    13. Analysis websites

    • Introduction

    • Demo of Morningstar

    • Demo of Globe Investor

    • Demo of Yahoo Finance

  • 14

    14. Conclusion

    • Conclusion

  • 15

    Quiz for verifiable CPD

    • Quiz for verifiable CPD