Course curriculum

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    Basic investment alternatives

    • Mutual funds

    • Exchange-traded funds (ETFs)

    • ETF types and providers

    • Term deposits and GICs

    • Stocks

    • Bonds

  • 3

    Your investing options

    • The main options

    • 1. Full-service broker (investment dealer)

    • 2. Discount broker

    • Discount broker summary

    • Discount broker rankings

    • Discount broker - What could go wrong?

    • Demo of discount broker research

    • Demo of discount broker purchase

    • Demo of discount broker summary

    • 3. Fee-only financial planner

    • Directory of fee-only planners

    • 4. Robo-advisors

    • Robo-advisors list

    • Robo-advisor spreadsheet

    • Demo of robo-advisor intro

    • Demo of robo-advisor account

    • 5. Deposit broker

    • GIC ladder

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    Protecting yourself

    • Protect yourself - Check on your advisor

    • Protect yourself - Confirm CFP designation

    • Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation - Background

    • CDIC - What's covered

    • CDIC - What's not covered

    • CDIC insurance limits

    • Demo of

    • CDIC changes coming

    • Insurance for investment dealers, mutual fund dealers and insurance companies

    • Insurance for credit unions

    • FDIC - US insurance

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    How to choose

    • What is the best option for you?

    • Demo of Investment Option Cost Analyzer

    • My personal investing history

    • My asset allocations

    • My rate of return results

    • My conclusion

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    Borrowing to invest

    • Borrowing to invest - A risky proposition

    • Demo of Borrow to Invest IRR calculator

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    • Conclusion and next steps

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    Quiz for verifiable CPD hours

    • Quiz for verifiable CPD