Course curriculum

  • 1


  • 2

    If I had $1,000,000 I could retire

    • Introduction

    • The 70- rule

    • Debunking the 70- rule

    • Hart family example

    • From myth to reality - Other sources of income

    • Demo of My Income and Expenses

    • Demo of Cash Flow Projector

    • CPP facts & figures 2022

    • Can we rely on the CPP

    • CPPIB reserve fund chart

    • OAS facts & figures 2022

    • You don-t need to maintain the fund at $1.4 million until the day you die

  • 3

    RRSPs are the Holy Grail of Retirement

    • Introduction

    • What's really important - RRSPs or net worth

    • Demo of Net Worth Calculator

    • Advantages of paying off debt vs increasing RRSP

  • 4

    Don't worry about your investments: you'll be fine in the long run

    • Introduction

    • Stock market crash effect

    • Your personal rate of return

    • Good news

    • Demo of the Personal Rate of Return Calculator (PRR)

    • How are your mutual funds doing

    • Demo of Mutual Fund Fee Calculator

    • How to find a good investment advisor

  • 5

    Income taxes are the enemy

    • Introduction

    • Avoiding taxes

  • 6

    Buy permanent life insurance to secure your financial future

    • Introduction

    • Life insurance basics

    • Life insurance types, disadvantages of permanent

    • Term life CPA Select rate table

    • Mortgage vs life insurance

    • Income protection insurance

    • Take home pay vs income protection insurance benefits chart

  • 7

    The Retirement Optimizer

    • Introduction

    • Demo of Retirement Optimizer lower income

    • Lower income example results

    • Demo of Retirement Optimizer higher income

    • Higher income example results

    • How long do you think you will live

  • 8

    Cars: Lease vs buy

    • Introduction

    • Lease or buy

    • Demo of Car Lease vs Buy Analyzer

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    • SU S9E1 Conclusion

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    Course resources

    • Course resources

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    Quiz for verifiable CPD

    • Quiz for verifiable CPD