Course curriculum

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    How to adapt to the new environment

    • Introduction

    • What has changed?

    • Survivival of the fittest

    • The gig economy

    • Adapting to the new online environment

    • How to use Zoom for meetings and webcasts

    • The importance of tracking your spending

    • Demo of

    • Example family - cost reduction

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    How to pay your bills and optimize use of credit

    • The emergency fund myth

    • How to pay your bills

    • Types of debt

    • What is a credit report and score?

    • What's in your credit report

    • How they determine your credit score

    • How to get your credit report and score

    • 10 secrets to improving your credit score

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    How it affects your investments

    • Introduction

    • Basic types of returns

    • Time vs money-weighted returns

    • Asset allocation rule of thumb

    • Stock market vs GICs Canada to June 30, 2020

    • Stock market US to June 30, 2020

    • Stock market summary

    • Actual portfolio asset allocation

    • Actual portfolio performance

    • Chart of accumulating vs drawdown

    • Demo of Drawdown Risk Calculator

    • Future stock market returns

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    How it affects your retirement

    • Introduction

    • Canadian example introduction

    • Demo or Retirement Optimizer - Canada

    • Canada example results

    • US example introduction

    • Demo of Retirement Optimizer - US

    • US example results

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    How it affects the economy

    • Introduction

    • Fiscal and monetary policy

    • The current situation

    • Canada's financial position

    • US financial position

    • A look at recent historical interest rates

    • How long will interest rates remain low?

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    • Conclusion and next steps

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    Quiz for verifiable CPD

    • Quiz for verifiable CPD