Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Introduction

    • The myths

    • Learning outcomes

    • The spreadsheets

    • Personal finances: Why do people simply believe what they are told?

  • 2

    Myth 1. If I had $1,000,000 I Could Retire

    • The 70% rule

    • Debunking the 70% Rule

    • Meet the Harts

    • Hart family expenses: now and in retirement

    • From myth to reality: other income sources

    • Canada Pension Plan

    • Old Age Security

    • Social Security

    • Status of the Harts

    • You don't need to maintain the fund at $1.4 million until the day you die!

  • 3

    Myth 2. RRSPs, IRAs and 401(k)s are the Holy Grail of Retirement

    • What's really important: retirement savings or net worth

    • Demo of net worth calculator

    • RRSP basics

    • 401(k) basics

    • IRA basics

    • 410(k) or IRA?

    • Demo Retirement savings vs pay down debt calculator

    • Retirement savings vs paying down debt

    • Advantages of paying off debt vs retirement savings

    • The scale of life - savers vs spenders

  • 4

    Myth 3. Don't worry about your investments; you'll be fine in the long run

    • The stock market crash Canada

    • The stock market crash US

    • Your personal rate of return (PRR)

    • Required investment disclosure (Canada)

    • Required investment disclosure (US)

    • Demo of Personal Rate of Return Calculator

    • You try the PRR Calculator

  • 5

    Myth 4. Income taxes are the enemy

    • Taxes

  • 6

    Myth 5. Buy Permanent Life Insurance to Secure Your Financial Future

    • Life insurance basics

    • Life insurance types

    • Chart of term life vs universal life

    • Disadvantages of universal and whole life

    • Term Life CPA Select IP annual rates

    • Critical illness insurance

    • Long-term care insurance

  • 7

    The Retirement Optimizer

    • The Retirement Optimizer

    • Lower income example introduction

    • Demo of Retirement Optimizer Canada - lower income

    • Lower income example results

    • Higher Income example introduction

    • Demo of Retirement Optimizer Canada - higher income

    • Higher income example results

    • US example introduction

    • Demo of Retirement Optimizer US

    • US example results

    • Now it's your turn!

  • 8

    Behavioral economics

    • The basics

    • The details and what to do about them

  • 9


    • Conclusion

  • 10

    Quiz for verifiable CPD

    • Quiz for verifiable CPD