Course curriculum

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  • 2

    The Antidote: A simple plan

  • 3

    You don't need the stock market or mutual funds

    • Introduction

    • Stock market returns - Apple short term

    • Stock market returns - Apple long term

    • Basic types of returns

    • Time vs money-weighted returns

    • Stock market vs GICs - Canada

    • Stock market - US

    • Stock market vs GICs conclusion

    • Why matching the index is tough

    • GIC returns

    • GIC details

    • GIC ladder demo

    • Demo GIC rate website

    • Advantages of a deposit broker

    • GIC-only investor quote

    • Demo of S&P TSX TR GIC RoR Calculator

    • Asset allocation rule of thumb

  • 4

    Predicting future returns

    • Introduction

    • FP Canada Projection Assumption Guidelines 2021

    • FP Canada sample projection

    • Future portfolio return projections

    • GIC rate projection issues

    • Chart of overnight rate, prime, 5-yr mortgage, 5-yr GICs

  • 5

    RRSPs vs the alternatives

    • Introduction

    • Demo RRSP vs Regular vs TFSA Analyzer

    • Real estate

    • Your own business

    • Pay off debt

    • RRSP vs Pay Down Debt Calculator

    • Retaining profits in a corporation

    • Demo Retaining Profits in a Corporation Calculator

    • Retaining profits in a corporation summary

    • Conclusion

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    How to invest

    • Introduction

    • ETF details

    • The main options

    • 1. Full service broker (investment dealer)

    • 2. Discount brokerage account

    • Discount brokerage ranking

    • E-Trade baby

    • Demo of discount broker account (Questrade)

    • 3. Fee-only financial planner

    • Directory of fee-only financial planners

    • 4. Robo advisors

    • Robo-advisors list

    • Robo-advisor guide

    • Demo of robo-advisor (Wealthsimple)

    • 5. Deposit broker

    • What is the best option for you?

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    The other Antidote points

    • Buy a home and pay off the mortgage

    • Reducing expenses doesn't have to be painful

    • Your credit report

    • How to get your free credit report and score

    • Forget RRSPs until your debt is paid off - start early

    • The magic of compounding

    • Problems of the start early strategy

    • Start late strategy

    • Demo of tax turbo-charged RRSP calculator

    • You may not need an investment advisor

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    Who insures you

    • CDIC

    • CDIC What's covered

    • CDIC What's not covered

    • CDIC insurance limits

    • Other insurers

    • Insurance for credit unions

    • FDIC

  • 9

    The Money Maximizer

    • What is it

    • Demo of Money Maximizer

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    • Conclusion

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    Quiz for verifiable CPD

    • Quiz for verifiable CPD